Since its establishment in 2003, the foundation Angels for Children has been working holistically and is embedded in the local communities in Lao PDR. With local staff in Lao PDR, we work with all relevant stakeholders, from students, teachers and parents to cooperation partners and government authorities. By focusing on a specific working environment for a long time – two governmental primary schools and one governmental secondary school in two neighboring villages – the foundation Angels for Children acts in known structures with well-known decision-makers. This means that measures can be implemented quickly, holistically, efficiently and, above all, in line with needs. For the foundation Angels for Children, a holistic approach means that education is not guaranteed by the construction of school buildings. In order to ensure holistically good education in a sustainable cycle, approaches that build on each other and influence each other are necessary.
Ensuring access to education
The existence of a school is no guarantee that children will (be able to) attend school. The foundation Angels for Children is therefore committed to enabling all children in the vicinity of the schools to attend school.
Ensuring quality education
The foundation Angels for Children Foundation started its work in Laos in 2003 with the renovation and equipping of the primary school Ban Sikeud. In order to ensure sustainable quality education, many other measures were and are necessary in addition to the investment in infrastructure.
Holistic local management
The foundation Angels for Children, founded by Ingrid Engel in 2003, has had Laotian staff members for many years who manage the foundation in Lao PDR and implement and supervise the projects.
Transition to vocational training & work
In cooperation with various partners, the Recruitment and Training Programme (RTP) was launched in 2015. In the RTP, after nine years of school, graduates are given the opportunity of a free three-year vocational training as electricians or mechanics.
Cooperation with local stakeholders
The foundation Angels for Children is in close exchange with local Lao authorities and acts in accordance with legal, social and cultural framework conditions. The planning and implementation of measures are coordinated with the relevant authorities depending on the scope.
The aim is to support the pupils in their school, personal and vocational education. A continuous system, from pre-school through primary and lower secondary schooling to vocational training, enables the pupils to have good educational and developmental opportunities. Thus, the vicious circle of poor education, unemployment and poverty is broken, according to the principle of the founder Ingrid Engel: