The Angels for Children Foundation started its work in Lao PDR in 2003 with the renovation and equipping of the primary school Ban Sikeud. In order to ensure sustainable quality education, many other measures were and are necessary in addition to the investment in infrastructure. High-quality education requires qualified and sufficient teachers, organizational structures in the school administration, diversified educational offers also besides lessons and the regular impulse to tackle new things. Through a variety of measures, the Angels for Children Foundation has created a high-quality educational environment and continues to develop it regularly.
Additional payment for teachers
The foundation Angels for Children pays all teachers an additional salary so that they have a sufficient income and are generally not dependent on second jobs.

Hiring additional teachers
Hiring additional teachers to reduce class sizes. With additional teachers, the teacher-pupil ratio in the schools can be reduced to 1:30; without additional teachers through the foundation, it would be around 1:60.

Diversified educational opportunities
Provide funding for school-based educational opportunities - PC workroom and physics/chemistry room in lower secondary school Ban Phang Heng, school libraries in all three schools, additional teaching materials for teachers.

Extracurricular activities
Provision of funds for extracurricular educational activities - sports groups (including dance, volleyball, football, karate-do), creative groups (including art groups, language courses), tutoring groups.

Joint education management
Joint education management between the foundation Angels for Children and the directors of the schools - planning of further training for teachers, timetable and room planning, administration and maintenance.