The motivation for the foundation “Angels for Children“
Breslau January 1945
After an announcement on the radio to the civilian population my parents leave with my little sister and me on a bike the city which lays in ice and snow. One day later our father is able to get us on a crowded train to Dresden in Freiburg/Silesia. He has to remain behind. We survive the bombardment of Dresden. My mother takes the chance to go on a military train to Bayern – final stop Grafenwöhr. How lucky I’ve been: born in middle Europe, growing up in West Germany after the end of war. I had the chance to have access to all educational opportunities.
The motivation of Ingrid Engel: “All children – no matter where they were born – should have the same opportunities.”
Vientiane January 2003
A visit to Laos and Cambodia leaves me thoughtfully behind. Which chances do the children in these countries have? Surely not the ones I had or if, they have to follow a much more troublesome way. How could I help some of these children? If you want to take a chance for your life you first have to achieve the knowledge which chances you have. I got to know my opportunities through the school education my mother provided for me. All children – no matter where they were born – should have the same opportunities. With our family foundation “Angels for Children” we want to help children in Laos to achieve that goal. Ingrid Engel ()