In addition to school education, Angels for Children also supports extracurricular activities to promote the creative development of the children. During “activity time” every day between 3:00 – 4:00 pm, a wide range of activities are offered in the schools. In the art class, ten to 15-year-old students from the lower secondary school Ban Phang Heng can freely express their creativity with watercolours, coloured pencils, craft supplies and much more.
12 unique drawings have been selected to give the reader an insight into everyday life in Laos, culture and nature. Each drawing includes a description in Lao, English and German. We hope you enjoy reading this unique book!
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Download the picture book "Pictures from Laos" as a free pdf file in German, English and Lao here. All stories and pictures can also be found in the gallery on this page.

This is Thipsavanh Sylitda.
She is 14 years old and attends the second grade.
She lives in Pharnghaeng village and wants to become a nurse later.

This is Maixe Her.
She is 14 years old and attends the fourth grade.
She lives in the village of Narsiew and to be an architect when she grows up.

This is Sonexai Mueangsand.
He is 14 years old and attends the fourth grade.
He lives in the village of Xaymounkhoun and wants to become an architect and a policeman after school.

This is Dokmai Moua.
She is 14 years old and attends the third grade.
She lives in Phonkeo village and wants to become a nurse in the future.

This is Chanhmany Xaisanga.
She is 13 years old and attends the third grade.
She lives in the village of Sikeud and wants to become a policewoman after school.

This is Fasai Vanhnakham.
She is 13 years old and attends the second grade.
She lives in Phonsahun village and wants to become a nurse after school.

This is Phonephaly Pingxaiya.
She is 14 years old and attends the third grade.
She lives in the village of Phonkeo and wants to be a to become a nurse when she grows up.

This is Maliphone Khamsisavatdy.
She is 13 years old and attends the second grade.
She lives in Phanghaeng village and wants to become a nurse later.